Having annual physical health checks with your GP means that underlying health issues can be detected and treated.
A few simple tests can make a big difference to your overall health and wellbeing and will help to pick up any health problems early, so you can access the support you need to stay well.
NHS England has a national ambition to improve and increase the uptake of annual physical health checks for people living with a severe mental illness (SMI), especially those diagnosed with schizophrenia, psychosis, or bipolar disorder.
If you are aged 18 or over and you have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness (SMI), you will be invited to a physical health check every year at your GP surgery.
More information about what happens at an annual physical health check, from start to finish, can be found on the NHS.uk website.
You can also watch this short video that explains how simple an annual physical health check is and why it is so important.
SMI video animation Bangla subtitles
SMI video animation Pahari subtitles
SMI video animation Polish subtitles
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SMI video animation Urdu subtitles
Learn more about who is eligible for a physical health check and find out how to get an appointment!
Find out how Kelly got on at her annual physical health check and why it is so important that you attend yours!
If you are over 18 and have been diagnosed with a severe mental illness, you will be invited to an annual physical health check by your GP.
Your health check is an important step towards taking charge of your physical health and wellbeing.
Your health check is an important step towards taking charge of your physical health and wellbeing.
Published: 24 October 2023