In November 2023, Caring Minds were delighted to fund a Diwali celebration at three of our sites for both staff and service users. Reaside were visited by members of SAMPAD (a local charity who promote south Asian arts and culture) who taught and led some dancing with those celebrating. Dalvinder Kaur-Kelly, Principal Forensic Psychologist said:
Twenty-two service users attended the event at Reaside and the feedback we received was very positive. Service users commented that they found the event informative and educational. Once again, I would like to extend my thanks to Caring Minds to make this possible. Thank you.”
Our service based at Reaside Clinic provides assessment, treatment and rehabilitation to service users with severe mental health problems who have committed a criminal offence or who have shown seriously aggressive or threatening behaviour. The service provides care through secure inpatient units and specialist community teams.

Published: 16 November 2023