We finish this week by spotlight Jas Kaur, Associate Director of Organisation Development, and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, who was nominated by Jazz Janagle, Mental Health Co-Production Lead for Experts By Experience. Jazz said:
“I’m nominating Jas as she has always been such a great advocate for our Trust values, particularly in terms of being inclusive and compassionate. I’ve had many interactions with Jas during my time here, particularly in a Staff Network capacity, and the passion and knowledge she brings to these spaces is so welcoming and inspiring.
To have such a strong, passionate and determined Punjabi woman in this role is hugely inspiring to me. I love how Jas can cut through a lot of system-speak and processes and get to the heart of issues and how she pushes for more, in the interests of our staff, Experts By Experiences, patients and service users. I love talking to Jas about Punjabi culture, she teaches me things and I love how knowledgeable and authentic she is – I feel like I become more authentically Punjabi when I’m around Jas and that’s a beautiful feeling!”
Jas shared a bit more about her culture. She said:
“I am really appreciative of being nominated and I want to say a massive thank you.
Free to be me – I wouldn’t be me without my Dad so big shout out! Family and community is such a big part of Punjabi culture, and I am forever grateful for these foundations. Thank you for nominating me and taking the time and care to write.
This British Punjabi girl from Derby hopes to enable spaces where you giggle, lead, are kind to each other and most importantly able to be the best version of yourself, whatever that looks like for you on any particular day.”

Published: 2 August 2024